TAPAS workshop on governance and licensing
On March 5, NACEE together with its member institution, the Stanisław Sakowicz Inland Fisheries Institute held the H2020 TAPAS workshop on identified bottlenecks in aquaculture governance and licensing and possible solutions in Olsztyn, Poland.
At the beginning of the workshop, the medal of the Prof. dr. Stanisław Korwin-Sakowicz was awarded to Mr. Antoni Łakomiak and Dr. Laszlo Varadi, NACEE’s President.
Dr Trevor Telfer from the University of Stirling (the UK) presented the project and talked about the TAPAS consultation report on new and flexible approaches to aquaculture licencing, focusing on bottlenecks hampering cost-efficient regulatory and licensing practices. In addition, speakers from 6 countries (Croatia, Hungary, Latvia, Poland, Serbia and Ukraine) presented the experience of CEE countries in aquaculture licencing and administrative simplification.
Ms Lynne Falconer from the University of Stirling talked about models and tools for planning and management of aquaculture, found in the frame of the H2020 TAPAS project. During the roundtable discussion, Ms Hanne Kaas from DHI (Denmark) presented the TAPAS Aquaculture Sustainability Toolbox and its possible application for the CEE region.
Altogether, representatives of 11 European countries, both EU and non-EU, took place in the workshop.
On 6 March, a study tour with degustation of the products was organized to one of the world biggest and most high-tech caviar-producing enterprises of Europe, situated in the village named Ruś.
You can download most of the presentations here:
Croatia, Hungary, Latvia, Poland, Serbia, Ukraine
Tools, models and decision support systems
Models and tools for planning and management of aquaculture
Flexible approaches to aquaculture licensing
Decision support for aquaculture policies